07-16-2004, 05:12 AM
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
Originally Posted by Vullkan
Well I am not sure if there is a connection with big feet (or long noses either) and having a large penis--But I am sure that being able to curl your tongue is a genetic protection to detect toxic poisons. Ever chew on a leaf? That bitter discussing taste you get for all you tongue rollers, you can taste the toxins in the leaf because you can role your tongue--for those who can't roll their tongues can't taste them. Isn't nature wonderful?
Pardon my deviation from the topic (waits for all the sighs to subside...lol!) but this statement about the tongue isn't quite correct. The human tongue is made up of bumps...the more bumps, the better we taste...ANYTHING. There are no zones (front, middle, back of tongue) that specify sweet, salty, sour (bitter) or spicy. It's just a matter of how many "taste bumps" (forgot the technical term...but there is one) per square inch one has as to how sensitive we are to any particular taste.
Rolling the tongue might be a protective mechanism...but if you've got lots of bumps and can't roll your tongue...you'll still taste the bitterness of that leaf.
My goodness, I know way too much about tongues. Wonder why that is?
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