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Old 07-11-2004, 08:47 AM
sweetlady sweetlady is offline
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Posts: 117
Well, I hate to be the odd one out here.

No offense here, like someone else said, this is just my opinion. But it's a sharp one and a little harsh.

First, what the hell were you doing talking to someone, or being close to someone when you have a wife? What in your mind, at any time, made this okay? No matter what kind of thrill you are getting from it, it is WRONG. And, this is true of both of you.. if you will do it once, then you will do it again. Your girlfriend now knows you will freely, willingly, and without hesitation screw around on your wife, the only thing that will change is who the wife is. When you get tired of her, then what? How do you think she can live with you, knowing you are not able to be faithful? How can you be with her, knowing she is not able to be faithful?

There will always be, in life, someone sexier, someone smarter, someone funnier. No matter who you are with, even this woman whom "you've never felt anything like this before" for, will become familiar after you've been together. She will become mundane, every day, so-so. Her bad habits will become appearant again, the rose colored glasses will fall away, and you'll be full circle again.

Love is extremely hard work, and frankly, if you are out fucking around on your wife, it's work you're not willing to put in. You want that thrill? You're going to have to either find it again with whom you are with (even if you leave for this woman, you'll have to revive this feeling later with HER, too), or you will have woman after woman until you are old and hateful because no woman has ever been "good enough" to keep you interested.

Part of your thrill is doing something forbidden. And now, you are asking us to support your desire to take the easy way out and go grab the thrill, ruin the lives of your wife, your children, your girlfriend's life (how will she feel when you are doing the same thing in 5 or 10 years to her?), and her husband's life. As well as THEIR children's lives if they have them.

The fact of the matter is, that part of you that is thrilled by screwing around behind your family's back will not magically go away.

Don't expect that when you are living with your new sweety, she will be equally as attractive for the rest of your life. She will become as familiar and annoying in her own way as your current wife.

If you are not willing to put in the work of a relationship, then you are not willing to put in the work of a relationship. It's that simple, and I for one, will not support your desire to go start the cycle again just because someone outside your marriage has caught your dick's fancy. You are infatuated with this other woman. When the infatuation is gone, and infatuation ALWAYS GOES, you will be out looking for infatuation again.

You are like so many millions of people who divorce. You are looking for someone to maintain the infatuatous giddy feeling. It will NEVER EVER happen unless you WORK YOUR ASS OFF for it, and you are obviously not willing to.

Does your wife deserve this? Is she a BAD person? Has she screwed around on you? Is she evil, is she abusive? If she has not done something extreme, and has merely drifted away, it is because YOU LET HER GO as much as she went away.

Decide now what kind of person you are. It will set the precendent for your life and your relationships to come.
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