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Old 04-14-2002, 01:02 PM
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sixsense sixsense is offline
empathic sensual wannabe
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: North West USA
Posts: 227
I have found that if you relax the muscles in your pelvic area, it can become more intense and last longer. Its hard to descibe since I am not familiar with what muscles do what down there. For a correlation I believe in a woman it would be samiliar to the ones that contract the vagina.

In Men it's the one in which when you pee allows you to squeeze out those last few spurts. If you listen to your body down there during sex, you will find this muscle always contracting, or slightly tightened. You must consciously relax that muscle. It may then feel like you will come quickly, but that muscle is also used to 'push' the sperm along. With the sperms travel being slowed down.. well I think you see.

The only bad portion is the penis may slightly deflate as that muscle is no longer pushing blood into the penis. However, if you wait until you have a large arousal and then start the above, the deflation is very minimal.
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