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Old 04-13-2002, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Looking for advice please ...

Hello all you helpful people.

I've been browsing here for a while, but this is my first post, so please be gentle with me. <g> Any guys easily grossed out can bail now.

I finally lost my virginity about a week ago and while it was a good experience with a man I really love, and didn't hurt all that much at the actual penetration, I've been having some problems since then. I bled for most of the next day, not heavily, mainly spotting. After that I've had a bit of tenderness and itching. I wasn't sure if it was due to having sex for the first time or possibly the soap in the hotel room, (which I am sometimes sensitive to soaps.) No discharge or other oddness of any kind. Anyway, hadn't had the chance to see my sweetie again until today and figured it wouldn't be a problem. Even though he prepared me very well, it was very painful when he entered me again and I bled quite a bit again. I'm still spotting and very tender. He's not small, but also not huge.

I'm clueless, is this normal? Could I have an infection of some sort? I don't want to go running to the gyno if this is something that is common for first times.

Thanks for any insight, I really appreciate it!
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