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Old 04-12-2002, 11:28 AM
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Oldfart---I just thought that you would like to know this little
"tidbit"of information.One of my son-in-laws is not prejudiced against hardly anything.For some reason;the only thing;that I know that he is prejudiced against is gays.I'm not sure about his
feelings about females(lesbian)but I'm sure about males(gay)He
was surfing the net;one day;and being a lover of anything to do
with the outdoors(hunting,fishing,camping,hiking,etc.);he came
accross a group called the mountain men.I know;that in my area;
there is a motorcycle gang called the Mountain Men or Mounted
Men;but this turned out to be a gay group.Needless to say;he was enormously embarrased and of course my other son-in-law
and I continually"break his balls";about it.Thought that I would let
you know;because earlier in this thread;you mentioned mountain
men! Irish
P.S.Before he found out;he started corresponding with them!
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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