Thread: Redo operation
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Old 06-16-2004, 11:09 AM
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Exclamation Redo operation

Just to let everyone know.If you remember,I had a Spinal Cord
Stimulator, put in my back,in Jan.It's hitting the WRONG spots &
has done nothing for the pain,that it was suppossed to aliviate.
I have constantly bitched to the pain clinic,that did the operation.
They called me yesterday afternoon & are going to redo it on Thurs.Just wanted everyone to know,that I will not be here Thurs
& won't be home from the hospital,until sometime Friday.They said
they couldn't redo it until Wentworth Douglass Hospital,let them
use the operating room!6 Mo?I know that they sent a bill for-
$30,10? to my insurance Co.Why pay that much & not get the
desired results? Irish
P.S.The squeeky hinge gets the oil!It's too bad,but if you don't bitch,nothing gets done!
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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