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Old 06-16-2004, 05:52 AM
naughtyangel naughtyangel is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 888
Ever have one of those moments

when everything at that exact time seems just perfect?

I had one of those this morning, driving home from work. I'm generally too tired after working all night to trust myself on the highway, so I take the "old road" home. It winds along the river for a bit, before turning into this wonderful tree-lined road. All the houses are big, old and beautiful. The trees are huge, and their branches extend over the road in most places. Right now, they're all full and leafy and green, and the sun was filtering down through.

Today the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the temperature was already high enough for me to roll down the windows in my car and turn the music way up. I thought to myself that it was just an absolutely perfect moment in time, and thanked God that I was alive to be in it.

My sappy moment for the day
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