04-11-2002, 10:45 AM
empathic sensual wannabe
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: North West USA
Posts: 227
How many woman have sex when not aroused?
From another forum I am in- we were discussing "extreme" feminist quotes. Along the discussion I was told that any long term relationship at some point will have the partner allowing the other sex, even if they are not in the mood.. I asked did that mean vaginal, even though its understood that a unlubricated entrance can be painful, quote "precum makes a good lubrication". Thus implying that indeed this woman was unaroused.
It has frankly aggravated me. But, since she is right in that I have never been in a long term sexual (or regular  ) relationship. She knows somethings I don't. Though I still feel angry that it is assumed that this will happen.
Oh and no, she wasn't a extreme femenist, she was quite the opposite. It was in relation to a quote about husbands raping their wifes if sex is had without the womans intiative (which I agreed with).
Is this true for all relationships?