I'm going to start out with an apology, I've had computer issues for quite awhile an I apologize for not having gotten to this thread more recently.....
darogle:I can understand what you are saying, and of course he isn't physically abusive, however he is emotionally abusive and she's quite the submissive type and will accept that ad infinitum, but I fear it will wear on her and "of course in my mind" I see a nasty end to it...
GInger: People have told her, and she's said it numerous times unprovoked (albeit in a joking manor, save the look on her face), and she has been a bit of an obsession for a number of years but it's not like I'm overboard or psycho, if anything I try to ignore her more than anyone (because of B), But of all the crushes I've ever had this one has by far been the longest and the hardest to forget and still it continues....
Lixy: The guy creed has lost it's bravado as of late because in the last five months she's come down to see us at least twice a month and he's come down to visit... okay well he hasn't.
CunningLinguist: I have distanced myself from her for the better part of 4 years..
Gilly: I've never lied, I've just never told the truth. And not doing so is what really burns me...
THAT BEING SAID:... I very much appreciate y'all's take in the matter.. You've echoed much of what I've thought to myself however didn't wan't to accept. The Thread came on the heels of a fantastic weekend with her (as one of my closest friends). And I appreciate each and every response and your advise was heartfelt and appreciated. Perhaps it's much harder to give advice when one isn't in the midst of the whole thing. And yes as I've done in the past, I'm just going to tuck my feelings away again and search for Miss. Right. And hopefully in the future maybe they'll break up, however I fear it's going to be a divorce, and I can pursue things if needed and possible.
Anywho, Thank y'all very much for your advise and keep it coming,