06-08-2004, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 1,244
I have a set of friends who are currently divorcing. They've been together in some form for 11 years. The girl is my best friend, and the one thing I can tell you from personal experiance as the friend, is not to lie to anyone.
Best friend that she is, she told us all a different story, told her parents a story, and expected that none of us would learn what was really going on.
Over all, I'm the one she was the most honest with, but that's not saying much with the tales she decided to tell. It was completly out of character for her to leave at all, but, I can also understand the need to get out of a relationship.
Sit down, and say it honestly, and don't hide details from one person that you tell another. And especially don't do it if you want them to keep it a secret without them knowing it's supposed to be a secret.
For example, don't tell one friend one day that you met another guy, and then deny it to a different friend the next day, only to have those two talk and find out otherwise.
My friend burned a LOT of bridges in her mad dash out of a marriage. I support her desicion to get out, as a friend, but as a person, she chose a really shitty way of doing things, and hurt a lot of people.