06-03-2004, 12:47 PM
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Join Date: May 2001
Location: OR
Posts: 530
Yes Irish I do agree, something has to be done. My dad has always been very healthy and always much healthier than his friends so he drives them to their apointments all the time. Now that they have to travel so far and with gas prices up they try to schedule all of their apointments around each others and then carpool with my dad. I don't think he minds too much but there could come a time when he needs to be driven to that hospital and that's a long ways to have to travel. I'm heading there to visit this summer, and plan on getting some more information from the guys at the VFW, I know they keep up on that kind of thing since it affects them all. But thank you for your idea of contacting a Vet. Representative. That is a very good idea.