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Old 06-01-2004, 07:52 PM
imalikalotapuss imalikalotapuss is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 450
Gilly: thank you for the hugs..i really appreciate them..and you are right the little guy is the only one innocent here, and i do love him so i will not try and confuse him by me being there too..

Grumble: I will heed your seems like when i dont respond it really drives her nuts, which isnt my plan..but if i dont respond then she wont know whether or not she has gotten to me..thank you

Old Fart: You are right..she made these choices not just pissses me off when she acts like she is the victim. She has drug me down real bad..but i am trying to get a new life started..and i know that she is not liking it at all..but at least i didnt find someone else, until after we were divorced..she was the one that chose not to be faithful..I need to remember that..I just hope that i do find someone that will accept me with all my faults and not expect me to be something that i am not... Thanks for the input..i really do like everyones opinions
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