05-28-2004, 12:39 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
I agree with several other people. First, I always do it in the shower, after I have already used to soap. Then, I used shaving gel and the good 'ol Mach3. Typically, I'll have to repeat the application of shaving gel, and I suggest you use a new razor. Using one that has been sitting around for a week or that you used for a few days on your face is not the best idea.
A common problem I had was irritation about a day and a half later. Shaving with the grain helps to solve this problem. Another thing that works extremely well is the use some baby powder after you dry off from the shower right after you shave. The powder really helps to soothe things, and it makes you very soft down there, which is much appreciated by your partner.
Good luck!
At that speed, will we be able to pull out in time?