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Old 05-26-2004, 09:10 PM
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Gilly Gilly is offline
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The specific reasoning behind the exms is to check for abnormalities, as well as taking samples to check and make certain your body is functuning properly. I don't know of any organization that will perscribe without the exam. Each pill is formulated differently, working by using different hormones. You'll likely need to check in with your doctor 3 months after starting, so that they know the pill is working for you.

My first pill experiance was a really wrong one for my body. I went the first month fine, the second month I went about 2 weeks fine, and then 6 weeks into it, I began to bleed like a period. I didn't stop for another 6 weeks, and that was 4 weeks after I stopped taking the pills.

First exams can be highly uncomfortable. If you have a family practitioner, they can do the exams. If you don't, look for either an OB/GYN or a health department, or a Planned Pregnancy type place.

I've personally never minded one way or the other, but one thing to consider is whether you prefer a male or female doctor. Regardless of what you choose, a nurse MUST be present during the exam.

The exam itself is more nerve wracking than anything, but there are a few uncomfortable moments. You'll do fine.
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