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Old 05-20-2004, 01:12 PM
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fish4life2002 fish4life2002 is offline
Computer Guy
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Florida
Posts: 35
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My advice....trim the hairs short with an electric trimmer (those bikini trimmers for women work the best) and then slather with a shaving gel, shave with the grain, then across and then against great for me. Takes a few times and you get a bit of razor burn at first but it goes away after awhile. for thos nooks and crannies.....pull the shaft taught and you'll be able to shave closer and better on the loose parts of the skin....good luck and just take your time...dont' rush....its not worth hearing that dreaded....THUD THUD....OUCH!
Just an ordinary guy with extrodinary adventures awaiting for someone...whom it may be nobody knows yet....not even myself
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