04-03-2002, 10:39 PM
here and there
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Western NY
Posts: 3,601
Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
This is what happens when a too eager guy doesn't bother to turn on the bathroom light and thinks he's grabbing the Vaseline and grabs the Vicks.
And let me tell you IT BURNS LIKE HELL!!!!!!
Happened when I was 16 or 17 and I can still feel that damn burning when I think about it.
damn! that's almost like handling the member after you have been cooking with Habanero peppers!!!
(the moral of the story is to wear gloves!)
"It takes a lot of brains to enjoy satire, humor and wit - but none to be offended by them." -- Johnny Hart ("BC", cartoonist, 2000)
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog: Nobody really enjoys it and the frog generally dies as a result." -- E. B. White