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Old 05-04-2004, 08:37 PM
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katekate42 katekate42 is offline
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OK- the line between self-deprecating humor and full out wallowing in self pity has definitely been crossed here. If you just want a step-by-step recipe for having better luck with women, just based on your previous posts mind you, here you go:
1. Men who are attractive to women have confidence in themselves-- even the way a confident person carries himself helps with the "physical appearance" factor- You look taller, you smile more, and you make eye contact, which shows people that you are interested in someone other than yourself.
2. Look at every woman out there as someone you could potentially be with. You are too busy talking yourself out of a potential relationship by saying "oh, she's too good for me" to recognize that she might be sending you signals that she surely thinks you're damn good enough. (Which, consequently, she's not going to do if you are constantly bashing yourself-- it's CREEPY, period.)
3. If you have bad self-esteem, you didn't invent the concept. There are tons of people out there who do also-- whether you see it in them or not. The trick? They fake it. Just come across as someone who is ok with themselves- NOT someone who thinks they are the best thing to happen to the world this century. Eventually, after faking confidence for a little while, you will start to truly develop it. Take it from someone who has had to do this before!
4. Stop being so afraid of rejection that you reject yourself prematurely. The worst that any woman can say is 'no'.

I dated a guy for a while that had exactly the same self-esteem problem. Eventually, after I tried a million and a half times to let him know he was perfectly adequate, his "oh, poor me" act got old. I finally got so tired of assuring him all the time (assurances that he picked apart word for word in exactly the same way as you have picked apart everyone else's post and argued against them) that it sucked all the fun out of conversation and out of our relationship.

You can force yourself into having a little confidence, or you can force yourself to believe that you are pond-scum... I know which one I'd choose to try for.
I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of imagination. What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not.
-John Keats
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