05-04-2004, 03:14 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Back in the US finally
Posts: 1,704
Oh hon.....I'm not entirely sure what to say, but I wanted to assure you that you'd been heard and my heart goes out to you.
If I break down what you said, I get the impression that within your relationship: 1) You make the money, 2) You take care of the flat, 3) You initiate the romantic encounters, and 4) You aren't having your needs met.
This is where it gets hard, because 5) You're in love with him. So I fully expect your back to go up if anyone says anything against the guy.
I don't know if it's because you were having a rant or because of something deeper....but while you said he was the best thing that ever happened to you, you didn't really make it clear what _you_ are getting out of this relationship. It stands out to me because I have a friend whom I can't seem to get a really basic idea through to.....just because he's not doing anything wrong doesn't mean he's doing anything right. Pleasure is more than just the absense of pain. I'm wondering if you don't deserve more than you're letting yourself have with this guy.
I'm not saying you have to break up with him, or that the situation is doomed. But you're already frustrated about the financial situation, which is bad, and not telling him the truth about how you feel about it, which is worse. Moreover, it sounds like you're clearly making your needs known...and he's refusing to meet you halfway. These sorts of problems are normal in a relationship, really they are. But things can go one of two ways from here....and if he's not willing to compromise and make an effort, I'm not sure how you're going to make it.
All I can suggest is that you be completely honest with him about everything, and then re-evaluate why you're staying. Because honestly, you need a reason to stay in a relationship....not a reason to leave one.