05-02-2004, 07:02 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Location: about Him. Under, over, tied, whatever
Posts: 111
Remember that thing called Mystique?
mys·tique ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-stk)
An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it: the cowboy mystique; the mystique of existentialism.
(-from DIctionary.com)
There is something to be said for those that have it, and who use it properly.
My point here is that sometimes, it is far more sexy for someone to give one, simple compliment, than to overdo it in an attempt to endear yourself to someone. For example: A guy thinks a girl's hot. He tells her this, and compliments various parts of her body in a flurry of word and activity. The result, in my case anyway, is that I would be kind of turned off. If someone merely said 'nice hair' or something, in passing, the compliment would be well-received, and appreciated.
Guess I'm just trying to say that sometimes, less is more. Be mysterious, use that mystique that we all have at our disposal.
(okay, I'm done)