HI,I'm new here, but just thought I'd pitch in my 2 cents.
First, shaving does seem to make it look longer so you can't lose there.......
Second, I think its more sanitary, while some may argue this, it just seems to make sense, I don't know how they do it know, but some older surgeons had patients shaved from navel to knee-caps,
Third, it looks better, and its more 'inviting'I mean, for guys or girls, I'd rather storm a clean 'beach' than the black forest......
Someone suggested 'Nair'....it says on the label to avoid mucous membranes and genital areas, usually warning labels like that mean something, as in, 'DON'T use them there!'

BUT, you don't seem to get ingrown hairs which is a total blessing......
Try a mach3 with a shave GEL with Aloe or skin soothers.
I frequently 'prune' everything below my neck, for a few reasons. I swear I lose like, 5lbs, it seems to cut my time down in the water, I'm an amateur bodybuilder so, if I want defintion, gotta lose the fur LOL,