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Old 05-01-2004, 11:38 AM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: some place new, and interesting
Posts: 862
I lost mine at an early age, and I don't regret that or what I have done since. By most standards I am a "slut" and I have already made my feelings clear on that word in other postings.
I love sex.
I took me time to learn to please my partners, a lot of experimentation, and a lot variety.
I was married once, it was a disaster, and not because I had already had a lot of sex partners, but because hubby didn't keep his pants zipped, or even use protection.
The comment made in this thread earlier about "used klunkers" is a very hostile thing to say about women, in my opinion, no matter who says it.
I hope I am not over -reacting again, but I still feel even in Pixie's a certain hostility towards sexually adventurous women, even from other women.
The double standard is alive and well.
There are some women and men who make the decision not to have sex until marriage for personal reasons that are very valid.
But there are people, women AND men, I have seen and heard who lord this decision over others. Possibly give themselves a sense of moral superiority? I have seen men and women in TV interviews who say that even masterbation is wrong, and "selfish" and have even said it is a hostile act!!!
It is a small step to take the jump to "sex is only for procreation, never for pleasure", and maybe an even smaller step for those people to decide that what is good for them is right for everyone else too.
Please remember that there are still people out there who are not just pro-abstainance, but would like to see us return to the time were it was ILLEAGLE to use birth control!!!
Please don't jump all over me for this statement, look it up !!!
I am currently working towards my Master's in Nursing, and my recent research has been alarming to say the least.
As a Nurse and as a woman, I have always been a huge fan of Margaret Sanger, who championed the right of women to have access to birth control, and was arrested and imprisoned for this DURING THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!!!
As recently as the Seventies, it was illeagle in several states to prescibe birth control to unmarried women!!!!
If for personal, private reasons, woman or man, you decide to remain celibate, then enjoy your life! But beware of those who push this decision on others.

"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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