Originally posted by CunningLinguist
All the women I meet keep saying that they are sure that there is a right girl out there for me, but it is not them. Well if all women are in agreement that they are not the right girl for me, then I can't have any of them, correct?
All the trout I eat are dead.
Therefore, all trout are dead.
Have you met every women in the world and discussed with them if they are the right girl for you???
Who the hell taught you logic? Sue them!
I am jsut an average looking guy in a world of hunks.
I'm a hunk????? WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's nice to meet someone who can take the simple concept of fishing for compliments - an entirely worthwhile occupation when practiced in moderation - and totally overdose on it. Well done. I'm sure it will achieve... um, whatever you're trying to achieve.
Why do people say "I'm sure you'll meet the right person some day"? You KNOW why. You're not stupid, so don't pretend you are. People aren't going to say you're a prick a) to your face b) if you're not a prick and c) if they feel rude or cruel for saying so. Unless they're a bitch, I'll concede that possibility. Would you rather discuss your love life with a bitch?
It's been said a hundred thousand times here that finding someone special is extremely unlikely to happen if you're hunting for it. The secret, from most of the successful people I know both in here and in the wider world, have found happiness with someone they love because they WEREN'T looking for it. Because they were being themselves, and themselves were what the OTHER person wanted.
There are LOTS of beautiful (not that that's really a consideration anyway) single and interesting women out there. Hell, if there aren't, then all of us single 'hunks' better either turn gay or become hermits. But you're going to repel more people than you attract not because of your looks, but because of your negativity. Who the hell wants to live with a whinger?
Is it REALLLY too hard to say "well, I'm single, and that's a bugger. But fuck that, today I think I'll join a gym club and start setting myself some positive fitness goals" or "today I'll sign up for that weekend hang-gliding course" or whatever it is that gets you out in the real world being positive, happy and interesting.
If I were a girl and had a choice between a bloody ugly bloke who was lovely to hang around with (be it on a hang-glider or not) or a 'hunk' who played computer games all day and only ever talks about what a dickhead he is, well pass me the blindfold and let me talk to the ugly guy.
Unless I'm an airhead bimbo, of course.
So chin up, smile, think happy thoughts and put into motion things that are going to bring you success - financially, spiritually and emotionally. Only then can you even think about sexually.
Your friendly hunk,
PS by 'financially successful' at the end there - I don't mean rich, I mean having a secure future and comfortable income.
PPS Individual results may vary. See your doctor if negativity persists.