05-01-2004, 09:29 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 545
Not true, you found one, you can find another...be patient
I only found my ex through a random meeting on ICQ and it turns out I was talking to the only single beautiful woman for 200 miles.
Turns out that she never left the house all that much and since she was homeschooled she must have never learned that she was capable of getting guys who are much better.
Who says you can't have any of them? I bet they don't feel that way.
Well, you are right. All the women I meet keep saying that they are sure that there is a right girl out there for me, but it is not them. Well if all women are in agreement that they are not the right girl for me, then I can't have any of them, correct?
Besides the odds are incredibly slim that this new girl that walks into my presence is single.
OH and Lyle Lovett got Julia Roberts becuase he is not only an artist, but a celebrity. I am not only a lowly peasant, but a rather untalented one at that.
Sounds to me like she [my ex] was a superficial bitch...
She is only human and as such she will choose for herself what is best for her and her offspring.
I think you could do better.
Not really.
1) Single beautiful women are hard to come by unless you like them illegally young.
2) Look at me fer Christsakes not many women are looking for a nerdy guy working a dead end job who is rather plain looking. Women can and will fuck a guy w/o a job if he is hot enough and is an alpha male. They will also fuck a nerd if he has money.
I don't know your job situation and granted that may or may not be a valid point,[i]
At the time I had just graduated from college with an Engineering degree and no job despite searching every day for the past year. I was broke like a two dollar wristwatch and had no place to live in two weeks and no food to eat.
I did however find a job by July and I was laid off in the middle of September. I worked fast food for six months and recently I am working for the same call center that laid me off and I expect to be laid off in June and that is when I will prolly crash on a fellow pixie's couch for about a month while I try to find a job to pay my rather hefty bills.
A few months ago I decided to stop looking for an engineering job and just resign to working as a drudge the rest of my life. At least, it will keep the women who were only interested in my money away which is practically ll of them it seems.
[i]but if she dumped you just on looks alone, I wouldn't have wanted her or given her a second thought.
No, I don't think she dumped me on looks alone, but I think it may had been a factor considering that when she got to Bible college all of her peers where pestering her as how a beautiful girl like her would be seen with a guy like me.
You know you are right I should get on my knees and thank God everday that I constantly know which women are totally wrong for me. Most guys never get that ability where as I can safely assume that none of them were right for me, and while we are the suject of God, let me jsut say that the only reason I can se for praying for 9 years and it going unanswered is that either God is a sadistic ass or is deaf to my pleas.
There is only a very slim chance that my creator actually likes me and therefore knows there is someone out there for me and that is why I have a carnal desire to fuck jsut about any good looking woman, but no outlet for my sexual fustrations yet.
I am glad however yo took the time to tell me how things got better for you though. I really love hearing how people who think they were jsut as hopeless as me won the pretty girl, respect of their fellow man and rode off into the sunset a hero with sacks loaded with platinum and doughnuts.
I am not you though so I don't see how that ancedote provides me with any hope. NOw if some woman could love me in my depressed state and know full well that she could be jsut as happy with other men out there, then maybe there is hope for everyone.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.