Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Answer me this.......Do you like yourself?
I suppose I do. I think that all in all I am a pretty great guy except for one thing, no one would ever want me.
Not true, you found one, you can find another...be patient
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
You have to realize I am jsut an average looking guy in a world of hunks. I am just a simple peasant in a land of kings. I am a single and horny guy constantly surrounded by beautiful women and I know I can't have any of them.[/B]
Who says you can't have any of them? I bet they don't feel that way. And so what if you're only "average looking"? Lyle Lovitt got Julia Roberts to go out with him for crying out loud!!! It's not about looks...it's about confidence and being interesting. Use what you got!
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
I know I have no chance. For starters it had been 3 years since I had met a woman who was single that I found attractive. That was my ex-fiancee, and well we all know that she dumped my sorry ass once she realized she could do better by marrying a better looking man who has a job.[/B]
Sounds to me like she was a superficial bitch...I think you could do better. I don't know your job situation and granted that may or may not be a valid point, but if she dumped you just on looks alone, I wouldn't have wanted her or given her a second thought.
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Yeah, I may be funny, intelligent, loyal and a kind person, but obviously none of that means shit as I can't even get a girl to notice me no matter what I did unless I do something stupid or offensive.[/B]
Well quit with the stupid and offensive shit, obviously it doesn't work. Next time, just try "Hello. My name is..." It works wonders as a pick up line. Just be sure to follow up by proving that you are a funny, intelligent, loyal and kind person.
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Then it starts nagging me in the back of my mind.
"Why is she with him?" [/B]
Because you two weren't right together...be happy you found that out sooner rather than later and move on...
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
"Why am I destined to eb all alone in this world?" [/B]
You're not
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
"If I am destined to be all alone, then why would a loving God instill in me such desires to procreate and then go nine years to not answer my prayers to remove my desire." [/B]
See above ^^^ and God didn't answer those prayers because he knows better than you
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
"Why can't a woman tell me to my face that I am unattractive rather than beat around the bush with this whole I am sure you would find the right girl, Brett?"[/B]
Because that may not be what she means. Ever think that she may not consider you unattractive, but that she just knows you're not right together? Personality clash, different goals, ect.
Just my 2 cents worth, but I have been in your shoes. Then guess what? Everybody was right. I did find the right one for me.
(And just for the record, I am only average looking. The nice guy did win for once. And she IS beautiful. So, yes, there is hope!)
*quietly steps down from the pulpit and runs off