Originally posted by wyndhy
i really do want to call the cops on him, but i am afraid my parents will hate me if i do.
They very likely will get upset, as so far, they've taken no actions against him themselves. Explain it like this:
If he were a stranger off the streets who broke in and stole money, wouldn't you have called the cops?
If he was a stranger who physically attacked you, wouldn't you call the cops?
If he were a stranger who put you through all these antics, theft, drugs, abuse, both physical and mental, wouldn't you think the person needed help?
Then ask, so why is it ok for him to do it?
Wouldn't you rather we were the ones who got him help now, before he
is a stranger who does this to some unsuspecting victims?
If he has no problem doing these things to family, what's to stop him from doing it to a family down the road, or the people who just had a baby a block away? And if he does, what's to say he won't get shot in the process, or worse yet, that he won't kill others in a burglery attempt, like children?
If they can't see your point after that, then they never will. My mother in law is an enabler of the worst kind. She not only ignores that it's a problem, she helps supply the alcohol and drug money. One would think
she were the one with the problem the way she defends Rochelle, and blames others long before Rochelle can.
She now has a baby that through all this, she has to take care of. Or, what she actually does- she baby sits her daughter while my MiL goes to work.
One day, she very nearly hurt her daughter after going into a drug and alcohol induced rage. With the baby laying on the floor in the room, she started to physically attack her boyfriend, to the point of throwing beer bottles and glasses at him. He was sitting next to the baby, though
very luckily none hit her. When he had someone take the baby, and sit in a locked car in February to get away from Rochelle, Rochelle started beating on the car for her baby. My MiL claims that the people who called the cops over reacted, and none of it was Rochelle's fault. The scary thing is, if something
had happened to the baby, she STILL would have claimed none of it was Rochelle's fault.
Be thankful your brother has no children of his own to jeprodize, but that doesn't mean he isn't a physical threat to children around him. If you can knock around dad, why not knock around others? People with addiction problems such as he has are not in full control of their actions at anytime, and possess almost no control once the drug of choice enters their system. They don't stop and think about consequences, and in this case, don't have any to really worry about.
Mad parents or not, if you want to help him, you'll call yourself. He needs more than a brief 10 day stay in rehab. He needs to have a wake up call splashed in his face while lying scared in a jail cell, uncertain what's going to happen to him.