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Old 04-28-2004, 09:40 PM
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TinTennessee TinTennessee is offline
My own little world
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I'm so sorry to hear what you and your family are going through, but I have been there and know that all I can do is pray for you and be here if you need to talk.

My dad is an alcoholic (alcohol free for 20 years now) and my stepdad died an alcoholic. Alcohol and drug abuse are illnesses, diseases and can't be cured with a "quick fix".

My brother is now 37 and from what I hear he is still struggling with addictions of one type or another. When he was 22 he got in trouble with the law by striking an officer and ended up in jail, my mom bailed him out and I let him move in with me, my husband and our newborn son. Little did I know that he was on drugs, I had no clue. After several weeks of taking him back and forth to town to "look for a job" I finally had enough and told him I was through. He threatened to kill me and my son!!! It wasn't until then that I knew he was crazy!! I took my son and went to a neighbors, where I left my son. I went back home, packed my brother's stuff and dropped him at the end of town, driving off crying and not knowing what would happen to him. Do you know that after he straightened out and I talked about this to him, he remembered none of it...all those years and still today I feel guilty for dropping him off with nothing and no one and abadoning him!

It turned out that he hitchhiked to N.C., moved in with my uncle, straightened himself out, went to college, got his art degree, moved to Myrtle Beach and got married. Everyone in the family was so happy that he was now ok.............but, he got into drugs again, lost his wife due to this, lost his $80,000 year graphic art job, stole from the people he worked with and ended up right back where he was.

He is now living in New Mexico, I believe, he doesn't speak to me any more since I told him it was time to get his shit together and grow up. He has an addictive personality, I believe he needs counseling and I also believe that addictions like alcoholism can be inheirited.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what you do or don't do, no matter what your mom and dad do or don't do..your brother has to make the decision to one can do it for him.

Sorry I rambled on...please let me know if I can do anything to help.
I like the bed I'm sleeping in, just like me it's broken in; it's not old -- just older.
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans, this skin I'm in it's alright with me; it's not old -- just older.....Bon Jovi
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