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Old 04-28-2004, 05:46 PM
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Gilly Gilly is offline
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Like said above, he has to hit rock bottom. However, until your parents open their eyes and realize THEIR role in his addiction, he never will. He has an endless source of cash, and drugs. What he doesn't make himself, he steals from his family.

I'd suggest having the cops called next time he breaks in, and they let the police deal with his behaviour. Family or not, love has no factor in how he treats anyone, so why should you guys have to rip your hearts out trying to help someone?

One day, he'll find himself alone, living on the streets, and very likely dying from all the abuse, with no one there to clean up after him. Then he'll realize how much he is missing.

You can hope and pray with all your heart that things change, but like he even said himself, until he wants to change, he won't.

My sister in law isn't nearly as bad as you've described, but one of the best things that ever happened for her coke, pot, and alcohol addiciton, was getting arrested for domestic violence, and attacking the arresting officer. She got her arm broke in the ordeal, as well as 28 days in rehab. Once she got out of rehab, for a year, she has to go to weekly meetings for addiction, and she has blood tests done randomly once a month, and a schedualed one once a month. They can pull her in the day after her scheduled one, or they can wait 20 days. She never knows when it will happen, so it scared her into going straight.

If she messes up on 1 test, she goes back to rehab for 2 months, and has a full year of tests and meetings after it, and if she messes up a 2nd time, she has a year in jail.

When he gets in a rage, and attacks those around him, that's domestic abuse, CALL THE COPS. There is no reason to sit around watching it. If your parents don't agree, oh well. The cops can handle him.
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