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Old 04-22-2004, 02:44 AM
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Originally posted by Hocque
Its really no ones fault. My fiance and I have sex and we dont use lube. She doesnt get super wet all the time. But thats the way we like it. It feels alot better and tighter for me and she is able to feel more.

Getting to my point....I rip her almost every other time we have sex. We just have to either take it slow the next time we make love or we dont have sex. We love each other and know its not anyones fault. Just something that happens.

I hope this helps a little.


Hmmm - I'm wondering if you'd feel the same way if it were you who was bleeding because of this, which is what is under discussion here.

Women's genitals are actually designed to take a bit more of a battering than men's (childbirth etc) and we have fewer nerve endings in that area than a man has.

To be honest, whether this problem is happening to a man or a woman, I think it needs addressing, and measures should be taken to prevent it, rather than just accepting it as normal.
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