03-30-2002, 03:43 PM
Pixies Devilish Soul
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Alabama
Posts: 660
not what i expected
During my first oral she sat on my face and grinded onto. It left me breathless (literally). As for whether she spit or swallowed I can't tell. I was sorta tied up at the moment. Needless to say my p.o.v. was skewed a bit. Although my second oral experience wasn't to good. She swallowed but she had alot of teeth. >>scrape, scrape<< If you get my drift.
The best I've ever had and will ever have is Kyttn. It's so good it makes you wanna cry. Does anyone else understand what I'm saying?
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
no mortal ever dreamed before.