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Old 04-05-2004, 08:51 PM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: some place new, and interesting
Posts: 862
Ok, the relevant parts of my resume.
BSN means Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree, (Working on my MSN, by the way, my Master's)
TNCC: Trauma Nurse Core Course
ACLS: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (certified)
The last two are specialized educational programs that teach advanced theory and skills on caring for cardiac and trauma patients
By the way, I am also certified as a Community Health Nurse (which is NOT the same thing as a Master's in Community Health, mine is a far more limited education, but someday...), in Children's Health Education, I have completed advanced training in Nursing Management and Critical Care Nursing, and lastly, I am Certified as a Family Planning and Disease Prevention Nurse, (sex ed) the last of which I am not allowed to perform as a job function as I work for a hospital that is associated with a Catholic Charity.


Sometimes I think some people here think I am ignorant bimbo.

I was made Nurse Manager of this Clinic NOT because I am an Adorable Chick who Loves Sex, but through very hard work and education.
I am aware part of this is over-compensation for my size and a desire to be taken seriouslyas a Nursing Professional. (I paid a lot of money to my therapist to learn this)
I am also sinfully proud that I am the youngest Nurse Manager in this System by over 10 years difference.
Not too bad for the "little bitty chick with the big ass and no tits"

Wanda, RN.
"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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