03-28-2002, 01:04 PM
Princess Domeeveryway
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 1,614
Ok Ok I am finally take the plunge (I think lol) and get my first tat. I've only been talking about it forever and a day. So I am a big chicken I can't help it. Anyways I am getting it just above and a little on my left breast I've already decided on what (a faerie) and who (a great local artist).
But what I want to know especially from women is this (if you have one)
1.Did it hurt REALLY bad or just a little?
2.Did you have any problems putting on your bra afterwards?
(theres no way I can go without one in public lol gravity is a bitch)
Would you cater to every fantasy I've got? Would you hose me down with holy water if I get to hot? Can you take me places I've never known?
Sucks, Fucks & Kisses