03-29-2004, 07:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 1,244
Fingering tends to get too dry, and if you really don't know your way around a woman's anatomy by feel alone, most guys tend to miss the "button".
In my experiance, they also tend to think faster is better- Not always so! Slow and wet... if it feels even remotly dry, wet your fingers! In my own experience, if it stays too dry, too long, it causes small 'tears' in the VERY thin sensitive skin down there, which stings, and makes the meter drop to about -10, instead of +10.
Also, not all women are what the movies and porno's make them out to be. We don't cum the instant a guy sticks his tongue on us, we don't all get off during sex without extra stimulation, and we don't cum for 20 minutes straight, screaming your name like you've suddenly become God.
Take it slow, and take your time to learn her anatomy. Ask her to use her hand over yours to show you where to go, and what to feel, and what she likes.
As a side note, I've been married for almost 6 years, and I STILL have to lead my husband to the right places when he tries to do a hand job on me. It is almost inevitable that his finger will slip off the clit, and start rubbing along the side thinking he has the right place.