Thread: Getting Fixed?
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Old 03-13-2004, 03:10 PM
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bordendazed bordendazed is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Ohio River Valley, USA
Posts: 64
Been there done that!

I recall about a week or so, but follow doctors advice, and if it is not comfortable, wait another day.

Was a "strange" but not painful surgery in the doctors office - no complications other than some soreness for a few days.

Don't even think about doing it if you "LOVE KIDS" because if something would happen to a member of your current family, you may want to 'start over' IMHO - they can be reversed, but it's not easy/cheap/always successful.

It had NO effect at all on any aspect of my sex drive or love life.

"Life is a choice, so choose wisely"
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