Thread: Getting Fixed?
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Old 03-13-2004, 03:10 PM
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Originally posted by skyler_m
Her thought is that if she would have to have a C section, she would probably go ahead and get her tubes tied. I said that if she didn't want that or if a C section wasn't done, it would make more sense (and be less intrusive) for me to get the vasectomy.

Actualy my husband and I have both been to the doctor recently doing the same research. And now it is no more invasive of a procedure to tie a woman's tubes. They make two small incisions (just like on a man) and put clamps on the tubes. there is also a new form of sterilization for women that can be done by her doctor. They go in through the vagina, numb the cervix and place something (I can't remember what it is!) in the tubes that causes them to scar up and be permanently blocked. It's all up to each individual, but I thought I would pass on that info.
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