Thread: Getting Fixed?
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:27 AM
naughtyangel naughtyangel is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 888
Congrats on your 2nd, Skyler!

I just wanted to say that I think it's so great, your feelings on why you'll probably be getting the procedure instead of your wife. Hubby and I have discussed that when we're finished (though not for a while, yet!) if I happen to need a section I'll go ahead and have a tubal done at the same time...otherwise, he'll go for the V. So many men refuse to let a doctor anywhere near there, no matter that the alternative is major surgery for their wife

Besides, between fertility treatments, being pregnant and giving birth, I'll have been poked and prodded by enough doctors to last me a lifetime. lol
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