03-09-2004, 03:19 PM
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
I'm stumped here Lil! If this guy is Mr. Lil's best friend.....and Mr. Lil knows all about you as Lilith, a moderator at Pixies.......
Oh wait! Um.....this is a stickier (pardon the pun) situation than I had thought when I started typing!
Maybe Mr. Lil never told this friend about you and Pixies. OK....that said (and assuming it is correct).....I think I would have this conversation with Mr. Lil first and ask him just how much he wants his bud to know about you as Lilith. There are bound to be questions from this guy.......like...."what site are you a moderator on?"...."do you post pictures too?".....ya know, stuff like that! You can just brush him off with..."oh...it's just a site I moderate from time to time....nothing special", if you and/or Mr. Lil doesn't want to divulge all about it.....but there are bound to be questions!
From what I can gather from your post......Mr. Lil doesn't know you've been receiving mail at said friends P.O. box....eh? If so....the plot thickens!!! *dastardly laugh*
Um.....well.....I would just tell this friend that I was a mod at a site and I needed a temporary P.O. box and since he was away you thought he wouldn't mind you usuing his and you would appreciate if he would let you know if you continue to receive any mail in the name "Lilith" (your moderator nick) till you can avert it to another P.O. box. Then......GET ANOTHER P.O. BOX.....ASAP!!!!!
Now.....need I say.......keep us informed? LOL!
Loads of luck on whatever you choose to do!
Hmmmmmmmm........this sure is a thinker!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.
~Thomas Dewar~