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Old 03-07-2004, 11:42 AM
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imaginewithme imaginewithme is offline
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This is a great question...yes I do think about it and a lot. I have been married to my husband for 7 years, but we've been together for almost 15...since I was 16 years old. Something about how a woman would feel, so soft, so sweet and to be able to touch her the way my husband gets to touch me and to lick and taste....NO i never have, but I do imagine it. I have a very best friend that we almost did some things together but we stopped, in fear of loosing our friendship. That flirty side of us still comes out because we're both curious. I do think tho, that as exciting as it would be, I would still want my husband's cock to finish me off. He's not interested by any means of bringing in another couple This is probably way too much for you all to know about me...sorry
~Tainted Love~
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