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Old 03-04-2004, 05:06 AM
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Thanks for your kind words , I am not bitter about My Ex , I was at first , but as I said I got the best of Her in the Divorce . I got My kids which was the Main thing to me ( I would Have given her everything to get them) But I got the Land , House , Cars , everything all she left with was what she came in to the Marrage with , Her clothes and some odds and ends . I still have trust issues , But I am trying to work through them .

I really didn't mean to get such a heated discussion going when I started this thread...I was friends with a Married woman , and she was in a bad marrage and was tempted to take our relationship up a notch . I was just wanting some feed back .

Sugarsprinkels , I am sorry for your delima I am sure you have search your heart and soul for a long time for what to do . I am not Judging you. I have a thought I have a friend who Has the same problem your Hubby has He had an Implant put in and it has a pump and all he has to do is pump it up and go for it...He says it will stay up as long as she want it to Btw He is 60 something and his wife is in her later 20's and they had a child about two yrs ago .
If I have to explain it you wouldn't understand

Don't Judge Me By Your Ignoance

I had Rather Be Hated for What I am Than Loved For What I am Not .
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