02-29-2004, 11:57 PM
Causer of Unrest
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Arizona
Posts: 4,005
I'm all for anal play by all who want it, but I can't get over the idea out there that anal sex is feminine, and perfectly natural for girls, but not for men? 'Tain't perfectly "natural" for any of us, but it feels heavenly! If taking it up the ass makes men fear they are gay, does taking a tongue, finger, or toy up the ass make me a gay man?
Nah, I didn't think so.
If it feels good, do it. How about let's not put a whole bunch of baggage on it? There's nothing weird about what consenting partners choose to do with what they've got. The human body, male or female, has some parts that work and feel exactly the same. The anus is one of them--chockful of nerve endings, a pleasure palace in the right hands (tongues, whatever).
After 13 years together, and nearly 10 years of marriage, I tongued my hubby for the first time. He almost died, it felt so good, and his turn-on turned me on even more. (I told him!)
That's my two-cents, anyway.
Originally posted by always_horny
Even though I'm extremely masculine, I'm one of (probably) few men who are strongly in touch with their feminine side, and that's one way of expressing it (aside from feeling GREAT!).