Thread: The affair....
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Old 01-22-2004, 12:00 AM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
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Posts: 545

Confront her about it, then pull yourself together.

I havea strict policy on cheating in a relationship. Cheating on your partner is the worst way to disresepct your partner and I wil never do it. I also refuse to date anyone I know who has a history of cheating and I will not sleep with anyone behind their significant others back. Oh sure I will do it in a heartbeat if they are comfortable with it, but never behind the S/O's back.

It does now matter the sex of the person invovled. Cheating is cheating. I say this because a lot of people will not consider a bisexual encounter bhind their boyfriend's back as cheating.

Both times I have been cheated on it was the girl sleeping with another girl an she though nothing was wrong. The first time was with a girl that was little more than a fuck buddy, but she lied to me about it and a ex girlfriend who was working to sabotage all my subsequent relationships was the person she ran off with. I dumped the girl, broke off all ties to the ex-girlfriend and well in retrospect I have never been happier.

The second time was when my ex-fiancee was sleeping with a girl who lived closer to her and was a friend since childhood. She at least told me that her firen was bi and had a crush on her and she asked if it was OK. I gave permission, but only under the stipulation that it be a threesome or I could watch or you take pictures, but I want this girl to know it is just sex and nothing else. My ex had no intentions of anything more than sex, she went ahad and did it, but her firend would not let her take picture, let me watch or join in becuase she felt uncomfortable with that. I told my exI need to meet this girl in person and we could all talk. I told her I trust her and she will do the right thing. Well the next week she did it again and this time another life long friend watched. I was furious and said someone will get hurt and it won't be me. Sure enough my fiancee and her had a talk, and well then the girl got all amd and said I was jsut jelous and a loser. I went down there and talked to the girl. I told her how much I loved my fiancee and sure enough that stopped the whole lesbian fling.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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