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Old 12-28-2003, 02:40 AM
Virgin Teen Virgin Teen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 74
I don't know...

I guess I would sleep with a married person, but only if I knew that person was seperated or they had an open relationship. I don't think I could do it otherwise. I would hate for their partner to find out and be the cause of splitting up a marriage or a family, just for sex.

Besides which, I'd hate for it to be done to me when I get married. It would make me feel so betrayed. I would much prefer (in the long run) to be told it's not working out. I'd rather be told I wasn't satisfying him and he wanted more. I think I'm open minded, I'd let him do whatever he wanted as long as long as he wasn't sneaking around behind my back like it was a dirty secret. And as long as he was safe. And of course that at the end of the day it was me he'd be coming home to (for love)... otherwise he might as well leave me there and then.

I can see what everyone's saying but this is something that affects people personally. Depends on exactly what your definations are and your points of view. Some people who say it's cheating, others would disagree. I don't think it's wrong as such, I just couldn't knowingly hurt someone (the other person) but that's just me.

I talk too much... lol.
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