12-23-2003, 01:40 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 347
The opposite situation
Ok, I basically have the opposite problem where I will go down on my wife at the drop of her panties. However, she has never given me a start to beginning blowjob. Let me explain my feelings.
Ok, I have noticed that a lot of times the smell and taste of a woman at the very beginning is less than pleasurable. That is until her juices really get flowing. I feel that if I'm willing to eat a woman out even when she isn't all that fresh, she should be willing to suck me off and deal with a momentary "bad" taste in her mouth. If her jaw begins to go out, just take a break and stroke it for a while as you occasinally lick it. I just see no reason why this type of scenario should happen. I understand that some women are not thrilled at the idea of giving a guy head. My wife is one of these people and I can't remember the last time I asked her to go down on me. Whenever she actually does go down on me it's only for a couple of minutes and most of that is wasted by her on again, off again "routine." I consider myself a good husband and I rarely ask anything of my wife. During forplay, I usually keep going until she literally pulls me from between her legs to tell me to fuck her. I just think it's slightly unfair she is unwilling to give me the pleasure I so often give her.