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Old 12-18-2003, 02:44 AM
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Southern Charm Southern Charm is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Between your legs
Posts: 205

Who is this guy? The Gypsy Liberace? Brenna says to herself out loud as she walks in the door of the now crowded coffee house. It had only taken her 10 minutes to find a place to park, 5 blocks from the storefront. She had driven Vaj to the door, dropped him off, and spent the next half hour making her way back to where she left him.

Her eyes immediately found him as she removed the hood of her long coat, pulling her long, blonde hair free from its confines. She was a stark contrast to these dark, night people of whom she now found herself a part of. As she removed her coat and slung it over her arm, she noticed he was seated with Ash.

Ahh, Ash, dark and mysterious, beautiful as she was dangerous. Brenna couldn't help but look on the couple in conversation and feel a twinge of jealousy. Ash evoked a strange mix of emotions within her. Jealousy, envy, friendship, attraction....

Ash was a beautiful creature; strong, intellegent, cunning, and completely loyal to her new friends, but Brenna secretly fought with the feeling of rejection and that Ash had stolen "her" Vaj.

She makes her way to the table to join her friends and enjoy the nights entertainment as best she can while attenting to the needs of her 'employer'.
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