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Old 12-14-2003, 11:12 AM
Cal73 Cal73 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 3
First of all, I would like to say that I that I respect you deeply Lixy! I am glad to be having this conversation with you(and with the other pixies members as well of course). The world needs more women like you , not trying to be flattering just stating my impressions. As for your questions, here are my answers:

"I'm just not sure why this has been kept from you for so long......and I think most of the poster's above are wondering too!"

She is from a very small town in eastern Germany where things are kept secret. This was a very big step for her, and I feel honored that she told me about this.
The thing is, that in my family the truth is the greatest value there is and she is trying to honor the tradition. I always remeber that the punishment for something that I did wrong when I was young was always greater if I lied instead of telling the truth.

" have to ask yourself.....or tell us.....what in the world made her hold out and wait till now to tell you this? Why, when you aired your past experiences....didn't she tell you at least a tid-bit of this?"

Actually she did not. I believe that she was too ashamed of it. To be honest I really don't have a problem with it. Kids play around to one degree or another, it's just that I'll just look at the two of them standing together in a different light. I like her cousin... but curse me its just going to be weird....

"Did she share ANYTHING with you on "show and tell" day? Did you recently say or do something to make her think she should "one-up" you.....try and make you jealous....try and rock your smooth sailing boat?"

Nothing of the kind, it came out of the blue

"OK....I'll ask you straight out...........have you been making comments or goo-goo eyes at her cousin recently....or all along?

I havn't, truely, although I believe her cousin is probably a great lay.

"And.....before you go getting all crazy with worry about what I've asked.......just think about this..........

Maybe she just now sighed her sigh of love personified for you.....and decided NOTHING should be kept a secret any longer!"

Actually I believe that is exactly the case! She is my one and only and I do think that she believed nothing should stand between us. This is a very comforting thought on the one hand, but it does need some geting used to. I was always the teachers in this relationship and now I find out that my student might just have something to teach me. Personally, I guess that makes me a lucky man.

"'ll have to answer the questions......(not necessarily here......but in your own mind and heart).....and decide what the answers are!"

I might as well answer here, since I posted the question in the first place.

Happy Holidays sweety..........and don't anticipate the best.........cause if you anticipate perfection.......there will always be a let just take it as it comes.....and look back and realize it wasn't as bad as you would have expected! [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanx LIXY you're a real seetheart! I appriciate all the lixie member coments thank you very much!

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