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Old 12-12-2003, 10:25 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
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Welcum to Pixies hornyblonde!

Now wait a minute....cause I'm confused!

*waits for the laughter to subside*

Now....first off you say that an older woman came on to you and took you to an alley......and then you say that you later found out she was 15 years younger than you. So.....ya see my confusion? Was she "old looking"......but younger than you? Not that this makes a difference when you are up against a wall being pounded from behind.......but I just like to get the story straight!

Oh....and one more thing......where does one keep a strap-on while out at a club? Big purse?

TY for clearing this up for me!
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