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Old 12-12-2003, 09:43 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Welcum to Pixies ((((Cal73))))!

All good thoughts from the Pixie heart...above!

I can feel your concern in your post......and it isn't all unfounded. Seems to me that such a big part of your S/O's life (a part that seems to have meant a lot to her) should have been divulged a long time before now! You have to tell us hun.....what provoked this conversation? I mean......(and maybe it's just me, but) husband and I lived together for 12 years before we married......but he knew EVERYTHING about my past within the first six the most! Some stuff (equal to what your wife has told you), I told him on a date......before we even moved in together. I'm just not sure why this has been kept from you for so long......and I think most of the poster's above are wondering too! have to ask yourself.....or tell us.....what in the world made her hold out and wait till now to tell you this? Why, when you aired your past experiences....didn't she tell you at least a tid-bit of this? Did she share ANYTHING with you on "show and tell" day? Did you recently say or do something to make her think she should "one-up" you.....try and make you jealous....try and rock your smooth sailing boat?

OK....I'll ask you straight out...........have you been making comments or goo-goo eyes at her cousin recently....or all along?

And.....before you go getting all crazy with worry about what I've asked.......just think about this..........

Maybe she just now sighed her sigh of love personified for you.....and decided NOTHING should be kept a secret any longer!'ll have to answer the questions......(not necessarily here......but in your own mind and heart).....and decide what the answers are!

BTW......You type better in English....than most English speaking people I know! LOL! TG for the edit button!

Happy Holidays sweety..........and don't anticipate the best.........cause if you anticipate perfection.......there will always be a let just take it as it comes.....and look back and realize it wasn't as bad as you would have expected!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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