12-10-2003, 12:50 AM
I make sexytime with you
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,616
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Maybe they are called metrosexual becuase they get it on with the enitre city?
New english words are invented everyday, and the wonderful thing about english is that their literal meaning can be completely different than how it is used.
Like if you think about it cocksucker is defined by webster's as a mean despicable person, but in reality a cocksucker is a man's best friend.
Generally there should be some sort of relationship between reality and the word's literal meaning. Otherwise, we get words that are nonsensical. Cocksucker, in both meanings you mentioned relates in some way to the act of sucking cock; a despicable person sucks cock to unscrupulously influence another, a friendly person sucks cock purely to give pleasure.
Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Oh I hope I can say cocksucker. What is the vulgarity limit for these boards anyways? Any words that are forbidden?
Oh, my fucking word you can. Even complete arseholes like me can say any cunting word we like.
I want to know everything
I want to be everywhere
I want to fuck everyone in the world
I want to do something that matters