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Old 11-18-2003, 03:48 AM
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Annie Gmah Annie Gmah is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 2
Ok folks... from a woman's point of view I can safely say that size counts a lot. In my experience the man's wonder wand is a lot like a firearm used for hunting. Face it there's lots of guys out there who regret the fact that they clean their weapons a lot more than they actually shoot them.

There's a point where a man can be too big or too long or too wide but so far the older I get the less I run into that problem. Ability and performance is good but call me selfish and self centered... he could be passed out cold face up naked on viagra oblivious to everything and I'll bet 10$ to a donut he'll be just as much fun on average as if he was awake... only difference is awake he might not last as long.

If a man is well equipped, or at least decently endowed the most important thing still boils down to the metaphore of guns. I don't feel satisfied with someone who pulls out a small caliber single shot derrenger when I could've had the opportunity to eject a few casings from a semi-automatic with a large bore, long barrel and cartridge magazine that holds 8 shots or better....

And gentlemen... if you're a good enough shot with yours then you really don't need to put a scope on it.
The Aun have a saying: "Who can you trust if you cannot trust your own kind?"
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