Thread: Simon Says
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Old 11-13-2003, 06:18 PM
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Evggz Evggz is offline
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He cannot believe what is happening!

Sitting on the couch in his mother's arms as he watches the intruder fit something on his gun. Max has seen enough spy films not to know what it is.

He's going to kill them?

The thought turns his blood cold.

"Relax." the man says. "I won't hurt either of you. Provided you both do as I say."

He sees his mother nodding her agreement.

"Kid! Your mother looks like she could do with a drink. So can I, thinking about it. Go and get something from the drink's cabinet for both of us and get something for yourself.....but no tricks else your mother dies."

His hearting beating strongly in his chest, Max pulls himself away from his mother's embrace and went to the drinks cabinet. He quickly returns with three glasses filled with white sparkling medium wine.

Gingerly handing one over to the intruder, Max quickly returns to his mother's side on the couch...
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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