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Old 11-08-2003, 12:19 AM
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NightRider NightRider is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 75
Yeah, women will always say that to your face. But just look at all the big dildos and vibrators for sale. If size didn't matter, they wouldn't sell. After all, if it was just ability, then why couldn't they use a smaller one, since they can control it the way they want. Relax girls, I'm saying this with a smile on my face. But I also believe there is an element of truth there. And yes it is a generality. I also believe that most women can put aside a size issue for the special man in their life, while reaching for that big hunk of silicone when he is away. Women are more ethereal than us visual/physical men. If any female types want to try to explain, rationalize, or elucidate I’m listening. (Stirring the pot, and putting flame suit on.)
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